31 May 2024
Digital visual management - Industry 4.0

How to develop your digital internal communication?

Nowadays, internal, and external communication can be done digitally to transfer information much more easily and quickly.

How to set up internal communication?

  • Define a budget, this should not be considered as an expense but as an investment because effective internal communication leads to greater employee motivation.
  • Define goals, it is important to have major and minor goals, SMART.
  • Consider the different parties involved, ask employees about their expectations…
  • Create a communication plan.
  • Measure the communication plan’s effectiveness, this is done through indicators.

How to improve and implement digital communication in a company?

  • Introduce and train employees to an interactive communication platform such as Microsoft Teams…
  • Train employees to use the instant messaging platform.
  • Maintain physical meetings.
  • Communicate efficiently, do not pollute other employees with messages.
  • Remain professional even if the discussion is between two people who know each other well.
  • Plan important communications such as newsletters.
  • Distinguish “classic” and urgent messages.
  • Provide feedback on an ad hoc basis.
  • Promote collaboration between teams.
  • Be transparent with employees and communicate the company’s goals.

Which technologies should be used to communicate internally?

The ideal communication tool within a company is email. It allows for quick discussions and the transmission of information of varying importance.

Although there are several internal communication tools, email should be prioritised for informative content such as newsletters, monthly goals, etc.

When you want to communicate with colleagues instantly it is best to use an instant messaging service such as Microsoft Teams.

Digital internal communication does not only involve messaging tools, but also the display of information in all departments of the company, with connected screens that allow the display of important information such as the goals to be reached, the projects’ progress, etc.

Digital signage is the most effective way to communicate within a company, it allows to communicate with employees but also with visitors if the display is made in the lobby for example.

Digital communication allows better customisation of content and instantaneous transmission of information.

Digital signage allows all employees to have access to the same level of information and therefore makes it easier to integrate them.

How to communicate effectively with all employees?

In order to have an effective communication, it is wise to have an ecosystem with connected screens as well as a software that gathers all necessary information about the company.

A business management software allows the sharing of information such as performance indicators. It is important that all employees have access to the same level of information, especially through Visual Management and Digital Visual Management.

Communicating like this allows you to limit the number of meetings that go on forever, to have small daily or weekly meetings of relatively short duration (about 5 minutes daily and 15 minutes weekly). These meetings can take place on a connected screen such as the E-MEETING or on an interactive board like the E-ACTIVBOARD.

SESA SYSTEMS offers a range of “Industry 4.0” products that enable the implementation of digital internal communication.

Several connected screens are proposed, the E-LEANBOARD which allows the display in various shared areas of the company. Other screens also connected to the SESAHUB company management software are proposed, but these will be used for the analysis of the various indicators, the E-MEETING which is useful for daily or weekly meetings and the E-ACTIVBOARD which will be useful for longer meetings which are intended to study and analyse the indicators in greater depth.

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Our catalogue presents all our products dedicated to industry 4.0. This includes touch screens, interactive boards, industrial software and andon systems. Each of the solutions is innovative and detailed. Download it now for free.