How to run a TOP 5 meeting?
Discover the tools and methods to run a TOP 5 meeting.
Meetings are considered too long, useless, or too formal and do not always have the desired effect. The informative effect of these exchanges is not always present. This is why opinions and ideas to be implemented in the company must be considered.
It is necessary to prepare for a TOP 5 meeting, to define the framework of these exchanges, to optimise the availability of its collaborators in person in order to propose a qualitative content.
![Réunion TOP 5](
What is a TOP 5 meeting?
The TOP method is a way of addressing a topic in a meeting and coming to a decision. “TOP” stands for Theme – Objective and Plan.
This method increases team efficiency by eliminating the time wasted in a long meeting with no real purpose.
A TOP 5 meeting is a pillar of continuous improvement within a project, a team, or a company. The principle is the animation of a short meeting which aims to be in an improvement dynamic.
A short meeting, generally at the beginning of the day, the TOP 5 meeting allows all participants to be included in a successful and motivating dynamic.
Similar to an agenda, the TOP 5 meeting is composed of 5 points to be addressed by the manager. Based on the goals and results, it is very important that the manager and the participants have a visual back up to rely on. Indeed, memorization and attention are much better when using a visual back up with meaningful pictograms. Identification must be immediate. Visual management is therefore essential. These meetings allow the participants to be involved in the work and the objectives to be achieved.
![Indicateurs de production sur écran mis à jour en temps réel.](
Organisation and conduct of the TOP 5 meeting
The meeting is run quickly but in an organised manner.
The agenda is divided into 5 main points:
- Assessment: The performance analysis of a predefined period (over which each goal is measured beforehand). The aim is to establish the evolution, the slow-down in relation to the goals.
- Goals: The previous point can help to confirm the goals set. They can also be changed, but this is more of a reminder to increase the involvement of the group.
- The action plan: How to achieve each goal, what is the strategy, what are the tools and how to operate?
- Current situation: Of the company, the workshop, or the group, focus on the internal organisation in general (priorities, news…).
- General point: Necessary reminders on safety or quality rules. Follow-up questions and answers as well as a motivational pitch for the start of the activity.
The meeting materials should be visible at the workplace (workshop, department, etc.). Because at the end of the session, each participant can consult the content, the methods, or the goal to be achieved. This is a pedagogical strategy and, in a way, a technique for training through interactions.
Communication plays an important role in the organization of these meetings. Indeed, in the context of these group meetings, animation and exchange must be encouraged and the speaking time must be shared like so:
- 80% of speaking time for the team: a method that encourages exchange, investment, advice and techniques to be in a dynamic of continuous improvement at work.
- 20% for the manager or facilitator: puts the exchange within the group into practise, follows up projects and finds solutions to be efficient.
The meeting can also be digital which makes it possible to monitor indicators in real time and to have a dashboard with all the goals.
For example: E-MEETING
You can decide on a completely digital visual solution with the SESAHUB software, for example, which collects data in real time. The digital indicators can be consulted at any time and ensure up-to-date monitoring without wasting time with data entry.
How to prepare the TOP 5 meeting?
Preparation of the meeting is necessary to keep it short and effective. For this, a visual back up is needed. It is advisable to have a display board or a chart, for example, containing the topics previously discussed or those to come.
It is necessary to have the results of previous and current indicators and update them on the board for visual impact and immediate understanding of the group.
The answers given the day before have been studied if necessary, the answer can be added on the board.
In addition, all important information, instructions, or data should be posted on the board or display panel.
It is important to know the progress of the projects or goals to be achieved, highlighting those that have been achieved or not achieved with an analysis of the latter to understand why.
The meeting should be undisturbed, concise, precise, and factual.
In order to be better prepared…
In addition, to start running TOP 5 meetings, training can be very helpful to be well prepared. Attending staff meetings can work as a training course in preparation.
We advise you to ask a senior manager or an available colleague to join you to get feedback or advice on how the meeting is going.
After the TOP 5
The points and issues raised during the meeting are studied and dealt with afterwards by creating a file card, a rule proposal for example. If, during the session, another department was mentioned, it is necessary to deal with the points with the people and departments concerned while applying lean management techniques.
The progress, blockages or resolution of these points will of course be discussed at the next TOP 5. The aim is to maintain this pedagogical dynamic in order to achieve each goal or reduce the distance to reach it.
The benefits of the TOP 5
![Collaborateurs réunion TOP 5](
TOP meetings are an integral part of the continuous improvement and good practice process. Meetings should be held weekly or daily. Facilitating these exchanges allows you to put in place a better understanding of the company’s performance and of the people available to apply the tools, advice and techniques discussed.
The main purpose of these exchanges is to facilitate the development, efficiency and practices of the company. In addition, these exchanges can identify the need for training of team members, change of practices if they are not successful or the elimination of MUDA when they are detected. Communication and listening are crucial to the smooth running of the company and to remove distance internally.
In conclusion
These meetings allow you to follow up on a project or a company strategy and bring it to a conclusion. This is a very good start to become more efficient and to position oneself in a continuous improvement process. When the situations encountered are discussed, an action plan is assigned. The progress of each project is also analysed to optimise the situation.
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